Spencer Moons' Bio


Born in Alabama to a single mother who begins to make decisions based on helping her only child achieve his ambitions. She moves to Detroit, Michigan where she has family. She encouraged me to read anything and everything. I have pursued life with a single-minded ambition to not adopt a herd mentality.

I opened myself to first personal and then interpersonal relationships with people of different cultures. I have learned to appreciate the joy of diversity in people and ideas.

I found my niche in media in Michigan working as a parking lot attendant then usher then assistant manager for two art house cinemas.

With and through some of these people involved in this I co-founded a film collective and earned my first film credit on a documentary on mental health issues.

Moved to California and finished my undergraduate studies and earned a degree in filmmaking. Began work after graduation in broadcast television.

Began making independent films on social issues. My successes and failures making independent films were fuel for my life’s fire. I earned my graduate degree in film and television production.

I pursued some ambitions as a business entrepreneur with a degree of failure that left me undaunted in my life’s ambitions to continue to challenge myself.

Through union activism and union membership found opportunity to work in theater, feature films, episodic television, events, concerts as a technician.

Met through my many years of volunteer efforts another Black scholar who opened doors of opportunity for me. I began to express myself first with co-written articles for publication and then later books. Both published and self-published.

Because of these same volunteer efforts, I met someone who shared my interests and over time we opened our hearts to love and then marriage. Her unexpected death helped me reconnect with my mother.

My mother and I consoled each other since she was twice widowed. My mom’s passing led me to express in another book much that had transpired in my life from Michigan to California to Georgia. Family and friends consoled, encouraged, and lifted me up during my time of need.

I have pursued ambitions in media arts. Developed skills as an author/educator/filmmaker. Along the way in this journey I have met women who connected with me intellectually, emotionally, sexually. I have met men who connected with me intellectually and emotionally.

I have become life-long friends with some of those people. As time has gone on some of my friends have transitioned from corporal to spiritual existence. They are missed sometimes more than words can express.

I am retired from work, but I have not retired from life. I am embracing this opportunity to read and write as much as I want. My love of the arts has led me to acquire books, films, and music so my library is the envy of many and my earthly sanctuary.

I am striving to develop a spirit that can embrace people and the great mystery of life. If I am lucky, I may have the opportunity to share these remaining years of my life with someone.

I believe that when the world embraces the mantra of ONE PLANET, ONE PEOPLE. The universe will then open its door to the cosmos, our cosmic sisters, and brothers who we know are out there and the realm of cosmic consciousness that will transform us in ways we could not have imagined.


 NEW BOOK  a work-in-progress is a non-fiction book  about - a contemporary contextualization of some idea’s from the Egyptian (Kemet) Heliopolitan Mystery School which was extant from 3500 B.C. - 1500 B.C. ("...those who tell don't know; those who know don't tell...") & time travel; EBE's; The Tarot; Dark matter; The Law of Consequences; multi-dimensionality.

The title as of today is -

On Becoming a Serious Social Being:

A Cosmic Philosophy for the New Millenium

Germane to my thesis is a quote from an author who is part of my research, Manly P. Hall (1901-1990). "...is there not an understanding which is superior to words - a silent language by which comprehension blends with comprehension, a transcendent mode by which the within which is you communes with the within which is I and we together commune with that within which is All? " from Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (1929)


My interests and abilities have over the years helped me to “…grow more dangerous as I grow older…” in the words of Tom Mann (1856–1941) a noted British trade unionist.


Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Malcolm X (1925-1965)



English Arabic Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Czech Danish Dutch French Georgian German Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Spanish

Films in REEL TALK: A Cinemoir


I can be contacted for Lectures about

media & cinema - historic, contemporary and foreign.


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(404) 799-7739

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